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中国行业招聘网 > 成都大瀚咨询有限公司招聘旺铺 > 招聘列表

  • 公司性质:


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  • 工作地点:山西
  • 招聘人数:1
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 经验要求:三年以上
  • 薪水范围:8000-9999
  • 工作性质:全职
  • 发布日期:2009-02-03
  • 截止日期:2009-02-28





工作地点:全国(你目前在哪个地方就可以常驻那个地方),homebase性质的销售 基本薪水:5k-10k/月 简历发送邮箱:huntersue.shu@gmail.com 要求: 1、懂耐火材料,从事耐火材料相关行业; 2、较强的协调、沟通和解决问题的能力;well cooperation and communication to solve different problems 3、具有很强的团队精神;well spirit of teamwork 4、工作认真、细致、有责任心、主动性强;well careness, responsibility and activity for the job 5、具有较强的市场判断和分析能力;well judgement and analysis for the market 6、服从领导安排;Obedience of orders from superiors. 7、对公司忠诚 loyalty to company ACADEMIC BACKGROUND教育背景 1、本科以上学历college above 2、耐火材料或混凝土专业 majoy in refractory or concrete 3、具有3年以上市场营销经验 above 3 years relevant sales experience. 4、具备耐火材料相关知识 relevant knowledge for refractory 5、具备耐火材料或相关产品的销售经验 relevant sales background for refractory or relevant product POSITIAN ACTIVITIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES职位活动与职责 1、负责所属销售区域日常的业务衔接,维护本区域市场份额,管理本区域客户关系,完成销售任务;business contact, market share maintenance, customers relationship management and sales volume accomplishment 2、运用市场营销手段及价格策略,执行公司在所属销售区域的价格政策;implement company price strategies using sales and price instruments. 3、定期走访客户,掌握并及时反馈客户心理及市场变化,与客户保持良好的业务关系,提高客户对公司的满意度;visit customer regularly to understand the feedback from customers and market. Maintain a well business relationship to improve customers’ satisfaction. 4、管理好现有客户,发现潜在市场,开拓新市场;current customers’management and developments of potential markets. 5、开展市场调研活动,分析市场动态,包括:产品的市场行情及使用情况,竞争对手的情况,产品的市场政策和价格动态;market investigation and analysis, including market status and utilization of product, competitors’ information and market policy and price trend of product. 6、进行月度所属销售区域总结及分析,确定正确的市场策略;monthly conclusion and analysis for correct market strategy. 7、按时回收本区域各类应收款项;AR collection timely 8、完成领导交办的其它事项。Other missions offered by superiors.